New Testament Chronology




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New Testament Chronology
By Kenneth Frank Doig

Following is New Testament Chronology, (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990), 401 pages, by Kenneth Frank Doig. This book proposes that the calendar of Scripture includes a year that began in the Spring and a day that began at sunrise. This calendar was in use at the Temple in Jerusalem when Jesus taught. Reckoning by this calendar leads to the conclusion that Jesus was born about Dec 25, 5 BC (Hanukah) and was crucified on Friday, April 7, 30 AD after a ministry of 2 years and about 3 months.


The list price is $129.95. (Publisher raised price in May 2002) This book is now online free by the writer. Click on the underlined chapters below. 


Note: * Additions and corrections to this work are found in dark blue. Linked content also appear in the default dark blue, not to be confused with added notes. Your comments welcomed.


Table of Charts i, Abbreviations iii, Preface v, Introduction ix, Acknowledgements xi


Part I - The Evolution of the Jewish Calendar


Chapter 1. Calendars from the Creation to the Exile 5, I. The Julian/Gregorian Calendar and Easter 5, II. The Creation Calendar - Forty-first Century BCE 7, III. The Flood Calendar - Twenty-fifth Century BCE 10, IV. The Exodus Calendar - Thirteenth to Sixteenth Century BCE 14, V. The Divided Kingdom Calendar Split - Tenth Century BCE 20, VI. The Diaspora Calendar - Eighth Century BCE 24, VII. The Babylonian Calendar - Seventh Century BCE 24, VIII. An Exodus/Babylonian Calendar Comparison - 597 BCE 26


Chapter 2. Calendars from the Exile to the First Century BCE 29, I. The Exile Calendar - Sixth to Fifth Century BCE 29, II. The Elephantine Papyri - Fifth Century BCE 32, III. The Second Temple Calendar - Fifth Century BCE 36, IV. The Syro-Macedonian Calendar - Fourth Century BCE 38, V. The Jewish Seleucid Era - Second Century BCE 44, VI. The Jewish Calendar Controversy - Second Century BCE 45, VII. The Jubilees Calendar - Second Century BCE 50, VIII. The Jewish Legal Calendar - Second Century BCE 53


Chapter 3. Calendars of the Christian Era 55, I. The Second Adar - First Century CE 55, II. The Sunrise Day - First Century CE 56, III. The Spring New Year - First Century CE 57, IV. The Diaspora Calendar - First Century CE 58, V. The Bar Kokhba Revolt - Second Century CE 59, VI. The Present Jewish Calendar 65, VII. Summary 66


Part II - The Nativity of Jesus 69


Chapter 4. Herodian Chronology 73, I. Josephus' Chronology 74, II. Did Herod Die Before a Passover? 79, III. Numismatic Evidence 84, IV. The Traditional Date 93, V. The Transition of Government 95, VI. Archelaus Ruled Nine and Ten Years 96, VII. Conclusion 97


Chapter 5. The Census of Quirinius 99, I. Augustus' Decree for Taxation 100, II. Quirinius Was Governor of Syria 104, III. Joseph and Mary Register for the Census 106, IV. Conclusion 107


Chapter 6. The Sixth Month 109, I. The Sixth Calendar Month 109, II. The Syro-Macedonian Calendar 111, III. Conclusion 112


Chapter 7. The Division of Abijah 115, I. Chrysostom's Solution 115, II. Zacharias and the Division of Abijah 117, III. Reconstruction of the Dating of Abijah 118, IV. Abijah and the Conception of John 124, V. Conclusion 126


Chapter 8. The Star of Bethlehem 129, I. Harmony of the Birth 130, II. The Chinese Novas 133, III. The Triple Conjunction 136, IV. The Variable Stars 139, V. Other Natural Explanations 140, VI. The Shekinah Glory of God 141


Chapter 9. December 25, 5 BCE 143, I. The Annunciation 143, II. The Winter Nativity 144, III. Early Christian Dates for the Birth of Jesus 146, IV. The Roman Date 149, V. The Jewish Date 150, VI. Christmas as a Pagan Holiday 150, VII. Conclusion 152


Chapter 10. The Birth of Jesus 155, I. Presentation at the Temple 155, II. The Visit of the Magi 156, III. The Death of Herod the Great 158, IV. Jesus' Twelfth Year 158, V. Conclusion 159


Part III - The Baptism and Ministry of Jesus 161


Chapter 11. Pontius Pilate in Judea 165, I. The Departure of Pontius Pilate from Judea 166, II. The Length of the Administration of Pilate 170, III. The 26 CE Arrival of Pilate in Judea 171, IV. The Prefects of Judea 173, V. The Coins of the Prefects 173, VI. The 27 CE Arrival of Pilate in Judea 176, VII. John the Baptist Began His Ministry 177, VIII. The Temple Corban 177, IX. The Blood of the Galileans 177, X. The Crucifixion of Jesus 178, XI. The Second Incident of the Shields 179, XII. The Samaritan Tumults 180, XIII. Conclusion 180


Chapter 12. The Fifteenth Year of Tiberius 181, I. Luke's Reckoning of the Fifteenth Year 181, II. Other Interpretations 182, III. About Thirty Years of Age 188, IV. Not Yet Fifty Years Old 190, V. Conclusion 191


Chapter 13. The First Passover of Jesus' Ministry 193, I. Range of Years of First Passover 193, II. Forty-six Years to Build this Temple 194, III. Other Interpretations of the "Forty-six Years" 199, IV. Conclusion 201


Chapter 14. The Two-Year Ministry of Jesus 203 I. The Church Fathers 204, II. Modern Support 204, III. Three Passovers 205, IV. The Death of John the Baptist 206, V. Other Timed References 208, VI. An Overview 209, VII. Parable of the Fig Tree 212, VIII. Conclusion and Harmony 213


Chapter 15. The One-Year Ministry and The Favorable Year of the Lord 217, I. The Church Fathers 218, II. Modern Support 219, III. The Jubilee Year 219, IV. The Favorable Year of the Lord 221


Chapter 16. The Three-Year Ministry and The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 223, I. The Church Fathers 223, II. Modern Support 225, III. The Three-Year Ministry 225, IV. The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 226, V. The Decree is Issued 228, VI. The Years of the Seventy Weeks 230, VII. The End of the Seventy Weeks 231, VIII. Seventy Weeks and 30 CE 232, IX. Seventy Weeks and 31 CE 233, X. Seventy Weeks and 33 CE 233, XI. Conclusion 235


Part IV - The Crucifixion of Jesus 237


Chapter 17. Astronomical Determination of the New Moon 241


Chapter 18. The Preparation for the Sabbath 247, I. The Festival Sabbaths 247, II. Preparation Day a Technical Term 250, III. The Passover Sabbath 251, IV. Two Sabbaths? 252, V. The Wednesday Crucifixion 253, VI. The Thursday or Friday Crucifixion, 255 VII. Conclusion 256


Chapter 19. The Sign of Jonah 257, I. Three Days and Three Nights in Samuel 258, II. The Portion of an Onah 259, III. In the Heart of the Earth 260, IV. A Literal Fulfillment 262, V. Three Short Days 262, VI. Conclusion 264


Chapter 20. The Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday 265, I. Two Rearrangements 266, II. Two Harmonies of Passion Week 267, III. Day-by-Day Synopsis 268, IV. The Fourteenth or Fifteenth of Nisan? 271, V. The Day and the Date 275, VI. Conclusion 277


Chapter 21. The Two Passovers 279, I. The Two Diaspora Passovers 280, II. Sunrise, Sunset 285, III. The Essene Passover 289, IV. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Which We Call the Passover 290, V. Conclusion 292


Chapter 22. It is the Third Day 293, I. The Resurrection 294, II. The Road to Emmaus 296, III. The Resurrection Appearances 297, IV. Conclusion 298


Chapter 23. Pilate, Sejanus and 33 CE 299, I. The Historical Setting 300, II. Pilate and Sejanus 303, III. A Friend of Caesar 305, IV. The Day the Moon Turned to Blood 308, V. Conclusion 309


Chapter 24. The 30 CE Crucifixion 311, I. The Choice of Dates 311, II. The Last Supper Was a Passover 312, III. The Last Supper Was Not a Passover 314, IV. Two Passovers? 315, V. Nisan 14 or Nisan 15?, 317 VI. Palm Sunday 317, VII. The Third Day 318, VIII. The Preparation Day 319, IX. The Baptism and First Passover 320, X. The Length of the Ministry of Jesus 322, XI. Conclusion and Chronology of Jesus 323


Part V - Growth of the Early Church 325


Chapter 25. Growth of the Early Church, 30 to 47 CE 329


Chapter 26. Growth of the Early Church, 48 to 62 CE 341


Postscript 355, Bibliography 359


Index of Passages Cited 375, Biblical Sources 375, Apocryphal Sources 382, Rabbinical Sources 382, Classical Sources 384, Subject Index 389-401 (Please use the search engine)