LITTLE CHURCH IN THE PINES 39446 Road 434 Bass Lake, CA 93604 (559) 642-3243 e-mail: tlcip@sti.net
Click for Map HERE |
Jesus is Lord!
(1 Corinthians 12:3)
Pastor: Tracy Hearnsberger
Pastor: Herk Rolff (Care Pastor)
Worship Services: Sundays at 10:00AM
Prayer at 8:30AM Every Sunday
Weekly Schedules
Everyone Welcome! |
Little Church in the Pines 8:30 AM - Prayer 10:00 AM - Worship Services |
Buckhorn Saloon - North Fork 7:00 AM - Bible Study nondenominational with breakfast
Little Church in the Pines 7:00 PM - Bible Study 7:00 PM - Youth Fellowship
Women of Purpose Bible Study Little Church in the Pines 10:00 AM in Prayer Room |
Bible Study - O'Neals 7:30 PM - Bible Study Call 868-3321 for directions
Ducy's on the Lake - Bass Lake 7:00 AM - 3rd Saturday of the Month Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
Missions Supported by the Little Church in the Pines |
Dwelling Places - Uganda |
Kristen Fry |
Fiji |
Katherine Robinson |
Mexico |
The Coleman's |
Manna House - Oakhurst |
Food Ministry |
Helping Hands - Oakhurst |
Pregnancy Care Center |
Good News Club |